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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Apply to be an Ambassador

Are you looking to meet new friends on campus? Would you like to be a part of Orientation, Graduation and other fun events on campus? Interested in developing your leadership skills? Now's your chance!

Deadline to apply to be an Ai Ambassador is
THIS Friday, November 19, 5pm.

Pick up an application in room 178 or contact Jenny Kressel, Lead Ambassador Advisor, for more information .

Friday, November 12, 2010

AiCASD-West Elm Student Showcase

Friday, November 19th
6:00-8:00 p.m.
west elm
Mission Valley West
5080 Mission Center Road
San Diego, CA

RSVP  by November 16 to: or  877.781.1052

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Unpaid Intern-Legal or Not?

With job openings scarce for young people, the number of unpaid internships has climbed in recent years, leading federal and state regulators to worry that more employers are illegally using such internships for free labor.
Convinced that many unpaid internships violate minimum wage laws, officials in Oregon, California and other states have begun investigations and fined employers. Last year, M. Patricia Smith, then New York’s labor commissioner, ordered investigations into several firms’ internships. Now, as the federal Labor Department’s top law enforcement official, she and the wage and hour division are stepping up enforcement nationwide.
Many regulators say that violations are widespread, but that it is unusually hard to mount a major enforcement effort because interns are often afraid to file complaints. Many fear they will become known as troublemakers in their chosen field...Read More